Pregnant Woman at Birth Center

What Can Mothers Refuse During Pregnancy?

At Wasatch Midwifery, our goal is to give you — the mother — as much control as possible over your pregnancy. Our birth center and staff offer you a wide variety of control over various elements of your process, from start to finish.

To support this effort, we want pregnant mothers to understand their rights. Remember, you always have the right to refuse certain screenings or tests. Here are a few that can safely skip during your pregnancy unless you’ve been specifically instructed otherwise by your doctor or midwife.

Ultrasounds with No Medical Reason

For many women, just a single ultrasound is needed during pregnancy. Generally, this takes place right around 20 weeks to check the baby’s anatomy and overall well-being. Other women may also benefit from a first-trimester ultrasound if they’re having irregular periods or want more clarity on pregnancy dating. If you experience bleeding or have a history of miscarriages, an additional ultrasound might be a wise choice. If not, additional ultrasounds really aren’t necessary.

Cervical Exams

Cervical exams offer great screenings for certain problems like preterm labor arise, but routine cervical can be unnecessary. Some women can have a closed cervix and go into labor a day later, where others may walk around dilated for weeks.

Doctor Care

Studies indicate that midwife-led care correlates with better, birthing outcomes, for both mother and baby. Additionally, many women are more satisfied with midwife and doula care than the traditional medical model.

Urine Testing

Certain practices require clients to submit to regular urine drug tests. While most physicians recommend screening for drug use, that recommendation refers to asking the mother questions about possible drug use, not invading their privacy through a urine test. You should, at the very least, give consent for such a test, and you likely have the right to refuse.


Glucola is a sweet drink that screens women for gestational diabetes, but not all women need this test. Be sure to consult your doctor or midwife on the benefits of such a test and if you pose a risk for the disease. There are also alternatives to Glucola for women who receive this test.

For more on tests and procedures you can refuse during pregnancy, or for additional information how our midwives can help, speak to the staff at Wasatch Midwifery today.